PostSecret: The Movie

by Frank Roche on August 12, 2007

in Thoughts

I look forward to Sundays, because that’s the day that PostSecret posts a new batch of super revealing postcards. That’s why I was dazzled today when I saw that Frank Warren(yep, another Frank) created a PostSecret movie. If you have 3 minutes, it’s well worth watching. And if you haven’t read PostSecret, spend an hour looking through the postcards. Amazing stuff.

UPDATE: I guess they’re preparing to sell a book, so they broke all the back links. I’m not sure why they would do that and I’ll hunt around for some links for you. Regardless, the movie is still worth looking at, and I’d subscribe to the RSS feed. At least you get 20 new ones a week. Very interesting, even if they broke their site on purpose to drive book sales. Vive, Adam Smith!

UPDATE 2: Hah! Here’s a Flickr set with a *ton* of PostSecret postcards. Start here first!

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