He’s Uncle Joe and He’s Movin’ Kinda Slow

by Frank Roche on June 18, 2008

in Travel

I used to like to go places. I liked hopping on airplanes and seeing new cities. Now, with the state of air travel, I’d be just fine in my own backyard.

I have to fly to Milwaukee today. Really, it should be fine. I’m on Midwest Airlines, which is a pretty civilized way of traveling. They advertise that all their seats are first class seats. They are, but I don’t have an assigned seat. And it’s a little plane, one of those with 22 rows. The flight takes an extra 30 minutes or so over the regular, “real,” airplanes. Plus, I have to go through security. Get to the airport. Ugh, I’m winding up already. Plus, at the end of the day, it’s Milwaukee and I’ll just be in client meetings from dusk to dawn.

Yep, I’m getting old and crotchety. I’m Uncle Joe, moving kinda slow, at the junction.

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