My First 5K is Tomorrow Morning

by Frank Roche on March 19, 2011

in Fitness

For a guy who never ran two steps in a row for an entire lifetime, doing a 5K is a heckuva step. Tomorrow morning I line up with 3,000 of my closest friends (okay, I hate them all) and take off in the Get Your Rear in Gear 5K. I’m Bib #1781. I’m hoping I’m not finisher #3,000. (C’mon, someone, stub a toe.)

I’m cranking up my mileage for the Broad Street Run, which is in 43 days. I’ve been training for 10 weeks and will get my training in with a couple of organized runs in April. Then, it’s 10 miles in the BSR.

From there…the Chicago Marathon in October. And if I don’t get injured, the Philadelphia Marathon in November.

The journey of 26.2 miles starts with a single step.

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