Social Media Hype and Facebook Valuation

by Frank Roche on May 25, 2012

in Social Media

I’ve griped a bunch about Social Media in HR hype on KnowHR. It was tiresome to see amateurs who knew very little about communication strategy and tactics touting social media as a savior.

I wonder if those social media “gurus” bought a lot of Facebook (FB) stock this week at its IPO price of $38.

Um, have you looked at FB this week? Way lower. I’m watching a guy on CBNC right now talking about FB going to $22 quickly. And these finance professors calculate the value of FB at $13.80. And that’s being generous.

Social Media in HR is interesting. But interesting as part of a total communication strategy — one that starts with authenticity.

Hype is hype. Don’t buy it. And don’t buy Facebook stock, either.

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