Wonder Dogs and Tennis Balls

by Frank Roche on September 7, 2007

in Funny

Tennis BallSheryl told me a really funny story tonight. It’s funny because you’d have to know Snickers the Wonder Dog to get the whole thing, but here goes.

Snickers never touches a thing she shouldn’t in our house. She doesn’t put a foot out of place. She doesn’t bark and she doesn’t beg. That’s why she’s The Wonder Dog. She would never want to disappoint Sheryl. She’s part of the Sheryl Fan Club.

Fast forward to today. Sheryl is the math tutor at the local high school. Today there was an e-mail going around about used tennis balls that the tennis team had used in matches. They had bags of balls and it was first-come, first-served. Sheryl got 24 of them because Snickers loves to play ball in the yard.

This is the part about knowing Snickers. You can put food down in front of her on the floor, leave the room, and she would no more think of taking that food than she would think about being more than two feet from Sheryl. (The Sheryl Fan Club part.) The tennis balls were in a bag that Sheryl put on her desk in the kitchen.

Sheryl was in the library-office this afternoon. In came Snickers with a tennis ball. Sheryl didn’t think too much about it. Then came another. And another. Pretty soon there were eight tennis balls in the office. And when Sheryl came out to see what was going on, she found that Snickers had taken another eight or so balls from her bag and they were scattered around the kitchen.

It’s nuts. A dog who would no more do anything out of line than pass up her favorite walk knew that those tennis balls were hers. She had to get up on two legs to get those balls. And we love that….it made us laugh. We’re lucky to own Snickers the Wonder Dog. We might start calling her Snickers Sharapova.

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