Scratching My Head about Vandalism

by Frank Roche on September 30, 2007

in Frank's World

I rarely walk around my car. But since we’re having our basement finished, we’ve been parking our cars outside because we have our basement “stuff” in the garage. I walked around to the passenger side of my car. That’s when I saw it.

Someone keyed my car. They must have had a fistful of keys. The scratches on my dark blue car start at the passenger door and go all the way back to the gas flap. Deep.

You know, with the exception of felonies that cause people harm, vandalism is the worst crime to me. Nothing is gotten, nothing is gained. It’s just damage for damage’s sake. I have no idea why in the hell anyone would do something like that to my car other that to be “funny” in front of his friends. (I’m assuming it’s a punk kid.) I parked my car at the high school football games a couple of times lately, and I’m assuming that’s where it happened. Incredible.

I have my ass kickin’ shoes on right now. I’d love to catch someone in the act. Instead, I have a scratched up car and no outlet. Ugh.

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