Blog Action Day: It’s Time to Change the World

by Frank Roche on October 15, 2007

in Causes

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

I remember my first political action march. ComEd was building a nuclear power plant in Zion, Illinois and thousands of people turned out to protest. I was of them. It was 1973. I was a kid.

Fast forward to present day. Now I sit in my comfy chair (No one expects the comfy chair!) and write about action. Hmmm, that seems a little upside-down. Well, it’s time to change the world. Today’s Blog Action Day, which is a united front by thousands upon thousands of bloggers, is about blogging on a single topic: the environment.

So, what do we do? First, watch Al Gore’s Oscar-winning An Inconvenient Truth (oh, Mr. Gore also won Nobel Peace Prize for his environmental advocacy). Second, look at this list of environmental charities and give if you can. Third, turn out the lights.

Sometimes to change the world it’s the little things. Let’s start with that.

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