
Ice is melting. Lots of it. And fast. But “it’s not global warming” is what the “I don’t believe in science” crowd says. “This happens all the time in cycles.”

Okay, then move to the coasts. Now. Keep burning fossil fuel. Let’s burn this mother down.

Meanwhile, since it’s not global warming and the scientists have a political agenda, you shouldn’t be fearful to move to the coasts right now. And stay there once the water comes.

See me in 20 years. Oh yeah…you won’t be here.

From the article:

But researchers have recently been startled to see big changes unfold in both Greenland and Antarctica.

As a result of recent calculations that take the changes into account, many scientists now say that sea level is likely to rise perhaps three feet by 2100 — an increase that, should it come to pass, would pose a threat to coastal regions the world over.

And the calculations suggest that the rise could conceivably exceed six feet, which would put thousands of square miles of the American coastline under water and would probably displace tens of millions of people in Asia.

The scientists say that a rise of even three feet would inundate low-lying lands in many countries, rendering some areas uninhabitable. It would cause coastal flooding of the sort that now happens once or twice a century to occur every few years. It would cause much faster erosion of beaches, barrier islands and marshes. It would contaminate fresh water supplies with salt.

In the United States, parts of the East Coast and Gulf Coast would be hit hard. In New York, coastal flooding could become routine, with large parts of Queens and Brooklyn especially vulnerable. About 15 percent of the urbanized land in the Miami region could be inundated. The ocean could encroach more than a mile inland in parts of North Carolina.

Frozen in Place: Flash Mob

by Frank Roche on March 6, 2009

in Causes, Frank's World

Charlie, Lydia, Wiley, Andy, Furley, and I went to 30th Street Station on Monday to participate in a Flash Mob. Our goal: Freeze in place for 5 minutes when a signal was called. Then let people in the train station freak out about why people were frozen in place.

This video tells the story of why we did it. (Did you ever play the Freeze! game when you were a kid? I loved that game.)

Hello, Mr. President

by Frank Roche on January 20, 2009

in Causes

President Barack Obama. Those words were presaged four years ago when I met Barack Obama in person in Philadelphia. I captioned the photo below with a story of something that happened that took our breath away then:

He just leaned down because a woman asked him to “sign my baby.” She said, “I want her to meet the first black president of the United States.”

Hello, Mr. President. We knew that more than four years ago that we’d say that to you.

Why I’m Voting for Barack Obama

by Frank Roche on November 3, 2008

in Causes, Frank's World

Really, I could list a thousand reasons for voting for Barack Obama tomorrow. I could talk about all the negative things that have happened in this country in the last eight years, but my decision for Obama all boils down to this: Peace, Love and Understanding.

I remember telling my boys that there was no way that the United States would ever get into another Vietnam. That we were too smart. That people had learned their lesson. That there was way too much information out there for old men to start wars that are fought by young men. That was eight years ago. I was wrong.

What’s the matter with a little peace? I was fortunate to live through Pax Americana. I was born in 1959, which was only one of four birth years in the modern era when young men didn’t have to register for Selective Service. The Vietnam war ended when I was in high school. Nixon was forced to resign. And we cared. What happened?

We got scared. I know that America’s first response, when faced with fight or flight, is to fight. I recognize that when there’s a real threat. But I don’t get it at all when we’re out there picking fights. We’ve wasted $300 billion and over 4,000 American lives in Iraq. Remember the lie we were told about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction? They didn’t….but we did. Four thousand American dead and over 100,000 Iraqis killed. How’s that for WMD?

Here’s what I know about Barack Obama: He’s not going to be a fool and rush in where angels fear to tread. Obama is going to extract us from Iraq, he’s going to hunt down bin Laden, and he’s going to talk to people rather than using the ready-fire-aim approach that’s been so disastrous for the past eight years.

I’m looking for a leader who loves people. And not just people who look a certain way or have a spare billion dollars or two to throw around. This is about a love of the people of the world. I trust that Barack Obama is going to care as much about the millions of people who are dying in Darfur as he cares about the 45 million Americans without health insurance. I’m sure he’s going to care more about people than oil companies. And I’m sure that Obama is going to show Americans what it’s like to love their country again — and those will be more than just words on talk radio.

This is a big world and it requires a president who can surround himself with smart people, process information quickly, and know how to make the right decisions. Plus, it’s going to take a president who has a sense about real people. Barack Obama didn’t have a silver spoon when he was growing up. He came from a broken home. He wasn’t wealthy. He was black. And he was white. He grew up in Hawaii and Thailand and in the Heartland — Kansas, USA. Obama graduated at the top of his class at Harvard Law School and was the first African-American to head the Law Review. He was a community organizer. He knows people — and not just wealthy people. He understands that in this world there are finer points to be considered. It’s about knowing that being “right” depends on a lot of information.

I could go on and on. I own a small business that would kick Joe the Plumber’s ass. I’m willing to pay my fair share of taxes — which, by the way, is a 3% marginal rate for income over $250,000 a year — because I got the benefits of lower taxes when I made less money. I’m not into the “I got mine, now you get yours” mentality. I think that “socialist” label is ridiculous. I want to hope again. I’m voting for Barack Obama because of the reasons I listed above. Most of all, I’m voting for Barack Obama for my children. I want them to be proud when they’re my age and are looking back on these days that they know that we, as a nation, stood up and did the right thing.

Why Obama is Going to Win

by Frank Roche on October 28, 2008

in Causes

Jessica, Sarah, and Charlie got up at the crack of dawn and drove down to Chester, PA to stand in the freezing cold rain for 3 hours to see Barack Obama. They were with 9,000 of their closest friends. On a Tuesday morning. On a work day. In a small town. During a Nor’easter. Meanwhile, John McCain canceled an outdoor event in Quakertown, PA because of the rain.

Do I need to say more about why Obama is going to win, and win big? Look at those girls wrapped in every bit of warm clothing they had along with the sleeping bags that were in the van. I cannot wait until next Tuesday night. Yes We Can.