I’m Not Sure I’ll Ever Dance in Rio

by Frank Roche on October 18, 2007

in Kids

Here’s a titillating title: If Not for Your Kids, Would You Be Dancing In Rio? It would be tempting to answer, “Hell, yeah!” but it’s not even close to accurate. First, I can’t dance (unless you call flailing around “dancing”). Second, I’ve really enjoyed my kids. The money we invest in college is peanuts compared to the full life we’ve had with them.

Last night Matt was sitting downstairs with us and talked about potential colleges. He’s an excellent student, he disciplined, and he’s determined. He’s got a top-notch GPA and wants to go to law school. We looked through a cool website that helps students (Matt’s 16 and a junior in high school) select schools that fit them. He’s looking a very good schools (big city or town is what he wants) and that makes me happy. What makes me even happier is when I kinda smartassedly said to him, “You know, college isn’t all about drinking beer. You’re going to have to get grades to get into law school.” And without a pause he said, “I know, Dad, I’ll get straight A’s in college, too.” Just like that.

That kid’s gonna make it. And as parents, what more could we ask for?

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