Add “From the Ledge” to Your Reading List

by Frank Roche on October 26, 2007

in Friends

My friend, Francis, has finally started blogging after years of entertaining hundreds of us with his and Jen’s Oscar predictions. Francis is what Perez Hilton would be if he were clever, witty, and fabulously dressed. Here’s part of the introductory note he sent out to announce From the Ledge:

My dear friends… so, after years of dreaming, waffling, cajoling from some of you, envying other people’s online stuff, holding rituals involving guinea fowl and sassafras root to gain clarity, I have finally decided to take the plunge and unveil my own personal blog! Since most of you are on the Oscar Notes distribution list, please note that the divine Ms. Jennifer M has graciously agreed to become guest blogger during Oscar season, so look out for the Oscar Predictions and Recap notes to be available online next year. I am sure many of you will miss the 10-page, single-spaced Word document that you eagerly peruse every February…or not.

The blog is called From the Ledge, and is focused on my hopefully interesting musings on (mostly) Chicago theatre, film, art, and culture events. I have attached the URL link below. I have been blogging for a couple of weeks now, to try to find my voice and style, so some of the entries may be about events that have since passed. However, I’d like to encourage you to read the October 8 post, entitled “Curtain Up” for some insight on what I’m setting out to do.

Since blogging is both a personal and a communal activity, I’d appreciate it if you can add me to your most visited websites via Google Reader or a similar service you’re using. Alternatively, you can also subscribe to email updates (for free!) by putting in your email address. Feel free to leave comments and to forward the blog to your friends- but only if they’re fabulous, witty, cultured, and urbane. If they’re the (horrors) Brittany Spears-listening, Busch-guzzling, Payless-sandals wearing hecklers who got ahold of Jen and my Oscar notes a couple of years back…well, payback will be hell!

I’m glad Francis is blogging. And Francis, show my friends some linky love — it’s a two-way street. Now I’m just waiting for JT to send a note that he’s blogging and life will be complete.

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