People Can Be Disappointing

by Frank Roche on November 6, 2007

in Frank's World, Work

Ming the MercilessThat’s a bummer headline, huh? I was thinking about that in the context of business. I had a couple pretty big disappointments this week because of people who work at our shop. Missed deadlines. Lack of attention to detail. Then when I call them on it I look like Ming the Merciless. How is that?

What happened in this world? Where did pride of workmanship go? What happened to the phrase “Anything worth doing is worth doing well”? Am I the last of a generation who turns up early to appointments, plans ahead, and cares about the quality of my work? I know I’m not alone. I work with good people who do good work.

This quote sums it up for me:

I never blame failure – there are too many complicated situations in life – but I am absolutely merciless toward lack of effort.
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

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