Matt at NHS

by Frank Roche on November 15, 2007

in Kids

Matt NHS

What do National Honor Society inductees talk about? The same thing as other kids, only they use bigger words. (That’s Matt in the middle. Glad we didn’t name him Malcolm.)

There was a very interesting phenomenon at the NHS induction: A group of high school students were silent. Well behaved. No one had to tell them what to do. It’s a big departure from graduations that I’ve been to, when the crowd is requested to have a little dignity and hold their applause until the last student’s name is called. Usually by about the 10th student the whooping and hollering begins and by the end it’s an all-out riot of screaming and cheering. Not so at this one.

Parents waited until the end to applaud. Students demonstrated appropriate decorum. And my son wore a tie.

Everything was right in the world for just a little minute.

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