Whatchu Talkin’ ‘Bout, Willis?

by Frank Roche on January 7, 2008

in Frank's World

Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself.
–A.H. Weiler

I saw this quote today and thought it was so apropos of so much. In our little business, it’s nothing for clients to demand fast turnaround times, then wait and wait on their end. It’s the nature of the beast.

And the idea of nothing is impossible is how I got my second hernia when I was 13 years old.

My dad made me lift the front of a small tractor we had to get on a trailer. He started haranguing me with, “When I was your age I could lift a 300 pound wheel of cheese with one arm.” The sick part is that he probably could have. We’re part Cro-Magnon. Or at least Irish.

My dad didn’t think that it was impossible to lift the front of the tractor because he didn’t have to do it. I got a Grade AA Extra Large Egg-full of intestine in my groin. That was nice. So whenever I hear the words “Nothing is impossible” all I can think is, “Turn your head and cough.”

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