My Week Without Bread

by Frank Roche on February 14, 2008

in Frank's World

UPDATE: I had to take down the Bread video because it was doing something wanky to the site. You can see it here.

This kind of Bread I can do without. (Although I admit that I knew all the words and songs on that album. We just weren’t that cool in the 70s.) One week down with no bread. It’s a cruel, cruel world. First up, I get this month’s Esquire, thumb it open, and guess what’s staring me in the face? The Best Sandwiches in America. Drool. Second, at Gardenia they brought a basket of fresh-baked breads, including a cinnamon-chocolate muffin. Drool. And in a twist of bread denial that’s more Medieval than a blowtorch and a pair of pliers, Sheryl made chicken-and-biscuits last night. Drool like a St. Bernard in August.

I had the salad.

Score after one week: Frank 1, Bread 0.

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