Note to Guy Sitting Next to Me on the Train

by Frank Roche on June 9, 2008

in Frank's World

Hey, buddy. Did you notice that it’s 150 degrees out this morning? Did you notice that I was working on the crossword puzzle? Did you notice my “Hmmmph” when you stood next to my seat while there were tons of open seats around? Huh?

I guess not.

So I crowded you. I was hot. I wanted my own space. You could have followed train protocol and sat in a 3-seater with an open middle. You could have left me to my own seat, like many people this morning. But no, you sat next to me. Sorry about pushing my sweaty arm against you. It was a sign.

Next time, pick a different seat. I’m Cranky Frankie when the temps go above 90. We’re in for a long summer.

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