Summer Is Over

by Frank Roche on August 31, 2010

in Frank's World

Man, I think I hate August 31 more than any other date. I like April 15 — tax day — better.

Summer is over. And what a fine point there is on this date. Sheryl is taking Matt up to NYU to move his things into his dorm. (Fortunately, even though he has a broken hand, he can still lift things and Justine is going with them.) Steve starts school tomorrow.

All that adds up to our house waking up at 5:30 am. It means that it’s dark out when everyone starts moving. It means school buses in front of me on my way to the train. (And me trying to not get behind them.) It means wearing a jacket in the morning and sweltering in the afternoon. (At least for a while.)

Dang…I’m going to miss summer.

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