Stories of Worst Employees

by Frank Roche on June 4, 2012

in Management

I came across a story thread on Reddit called “Managers, supervisors, and HR people of Reddit — tell me about your worst employees.”

I couldn’t look away.

Everyone who has worked knows a guy.

You know, that guy who’s the worst employee ever?

I call this one Graphology for HR:

Senior HR lady puts up an anonymous suggestion box in office.
One of the anonymous suggestions pisses her off.

She hires a hand-writting specialist to compare the note to all current employee’s applications on file.

She fires the guy for making an anonymous suggestion that “management should have a 30 minute lunch break limit like everyone else, or everyone else should get an hour for lunch like management.”

She should be burned alive as a witch. [via Flytape]

And one that could be titled Karma is a B*tch:

The General Manager’s daughter who was generally reviled by all had a small argument with a really nice older lady in her mid-60’s who’s just returned to work after recovering from a heart attack. She threatens that she’s going to get the nice old lady fired, then, realizing she can’t do that, tries to get her to sign a bullsh*t paper stating she was “disobeying orders.”

The nice old lady kindly refuses to sign said paper and the daughter storms out of the room and into her office, where she proceeds to slam the door so hard it bounces back and hits her in the head, and then she falls over and takes a desk-corner to her eye. Nobody got up to help her. She eventually got up and drove herself to the ER, and had the most disturbing black eye when she came back to work a week later that lasted for weeks. I started believing in karma after that.

I could fill a volume with bad employee stories. I’ll do that over time.

What’s yours?

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