Snickers the Wonder Dog is 10

by Frank Roche on August 2, 2012

in Frank's World, Pets

That’s Snickers the Wonder Dog out on her birthday walk. She’s 10 years old this morning.

We’ve walked a lot. On the short end, I figure we could have walked from Philadelphia to Taos, New Mexico if we’d have strung our morning walks together. It’s more likely that we could have walked from Philadelphia to San Francisco. If we had done that and arrived today, I’d let her pester the pelicans and sniff the sea lions at Fisherman’s Wharf.

Our walks are a little slower than they were ten years ago. But Snickers the Wonder Dog still takes each day like it’s a new adventure, with new scents to notice, new rabbits to startle, and new friends to greet. We could all learn a little from that.

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