
The Cat’s Meow

by Frank Roche on May 12, 2008

in Pets

Benny in repose — which is what he does when he’s not yowling.

Whoever came up with the phrase “the cat’s meow” couldn’t have been thinking about Benny J. Catenheimer XXIII, who has the loudest yowl of any domesticated cat I’ve ever heard.

The funny thing is that it’s like he’s talking. He wakes up early in the morning, and he bloody well wants everyone in the house to be up with him.

Once he achieves his goal, he goes upstairs to curl up on the bed with Snickers the Wonder Dog. Some life. The cat’s meow.

Proof We All Can Get Along

by Frank Roche on January 8, 2008

in Pets

Snickers and Benny

Here’s proof that we all can get along. We have inter-species detente at our house.

That’s Snickers the Wonder Dog and Benny J. Goodcat XXIII snuggling on the couch. They love each other, although Snickers sometimes comes off like the gangly teenager around a little kid. Look at the middle of the triptych — Benny’s about the take a tumble. But he comes back and snuggles up some more.


T.S. Eliot wrote in The Naming of Cats

The naming of cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m mad as a hatter
When I tell you a cat must have three
different names.

That’s our new cat, Benny, a Tonkinese. He has lots of names. It was difficult to bring a new cat into our house after we lost Frosty the Wonder Cat last year. But Benjamin J. Kitty-Kitty Bang-Bang Stormy Blue Boy XXIII has been fantastic. He loves sitting on the windowsill and watching the birds. I wish he’d chase away the Cooper’s Hawk that’s hanging around now.