The State of My Dental Health

by Frank Roche on August 4, 2007

in Frank's World

ProxabrushEver heard of a proxabrush? That’s one right there, and not less than 10 minutes ago, one of those was in my mouth. Specifically, in the interstices of teeth 30, 31, and 32. I’m getting my dental lingo down, but for you civilians, that’s the back three teeth on the lower right.

I had to get some dental surgery a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned that at my old digs on iFlipFlop. What I had to get done was a “crown lengthening” of #30 and #32. That’s nice dentist talk for cutting my gums down. It’s not as good as it sounds.

Actually, the surgery part wasn’t too bad. It took about an hour. There was lots of cutting and bumping and grinding (not the Paris Hilton kind), but it was relatively painless. I had some dental putty in my mouth for a couple weeks and the stitches resorbed. No harm, no foul. And no foul breath.

I’ve been a bit remiss with my dental care. I like to think that I’ll floss, and I do for a couple weeks after I get my teeth cleaned, but then it tails off. The reason: plain old laziness. But I need to do it. My gums get inflamed and then the hygienist yells at me, or at least cajoles. Well, I made my own problem with those back teeth, ergo the cut gums.

But I’m determined this time. I’ve been digging in with dental floss and now this proxabrush. I’ve been brushing 3x daily. And I’ve been rinsing with Periogard and Listerine. I can really notice a difference. I may be getting long in the tooth, but I’m determined to keep them in my mouth. Say cheese!

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