Hey, Baby

by Frank Roche on August 10, 2007

in Frank's World, Movies

Hey Baby

I’ve seen Dirty Dancing at least 100 times. I stopped counting a long time ago. But while I was flipping through the channels this morning at work, guess what’s on Turner Classic Movies? Dirty Dancing.

Which leads to the title of this post. I’m glad that I don’t work in a big company for any number of reasons, but one of them is that I’ve called men and women alike “Baby” for 20 years. I don’t know why. I don’t mean it in any demeaning way, it’s more in the “Hey, Hey, Baby” way. It’s more like from the movie and less like Sinatra.

My Favorite Lines from the Movie
Johnny: One month I’m eating Jujubes to stay alive and the next month women are stuffing diamonds in my pockets.

Johnny: What’s your real name, Baby?
Baby: Frances. For the first woman in the cabinet. [laughs]
Johnny: Frances. That’s a real grown up name.

Johnny: Nobody puts Baby in the corner. (and a line those who know me have heard a thousand times)

My Little Brush With Dirty Dancing Fame
My kids went to a very high end Montessori school when we lived in a Chicago suburb. And one of their classmates was the child of singer Richard Marx and Cynthia Rhodes, who was Penny, as in “The Penny Situation” in Dirty Dancing. I swear I was dazzled to see her because I was such Dirty Dancing freak. We used to see them all the school events. Funny small world, Baby.

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