
I Always Wanted a Robot

by Frank Roche on August 25, 2012

in Frank's World, Movies

I always wanted a robot. (Perhaps it was from watching The Jetsons as a kid.) And a movie with my name in it. I’m gonna go see Robot & Frank.

Loved the Songs in Country Strong

by Frank Roche on January 6, 2011

in Frank's World, Movies

This was one of my favorite songs from the movie, Country Strong.

True Grit was True S**t

by Frank Roche on December 16, 2010

in Movies

I went to a screening of True Grit last night. I had high hopes. I admire Jeff Bridges. Loved him in Crazy Heart.

He was awful in True Grit. He talked like Billy Bob Thortnon in Sling Blade. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmmm.

Listen to him in this clip. It was really bad. The filming was decent. The story was choppy. And had a crap ending that was ridiculous. The audience didn’t know it was over. It should have been after about 10 minutes. I thought True Grit was going to be an Oscar contender. True Grit? Should have been called True Shit.

American Gangster

by Frank Roche on November 4, 2007

in Movies

I took my guys to see American Gangster last night at King of Prussia. There were 500 people in the house and not a peep — except a few loud group gasps — for nearly three hours. As we walked out, Stephen said, “That’s the best movie I’ve ever seen.” I have to say, it’s pretty amazing. Denzel Washington is outstanding.

Best part: Guess what the main character’s name is? Frank. Yep. American Gangster FTW.

What’s a Blockbuster?

by Frank Roche on September 1, 2007

in Movies

BlockbusterWe went to Blockbuster last night. And I realized that I hadn’t been in a Blockbuster in over a year. I’m not sure I missed anything.

What did we get? Apacalypto, The Pursuit of Happyness, and The Departed. We felt a bad about giving Mel Gibson a cent, but Steve and I wanted to see a little historical death and destruction, so we threw caution to the wind and put more money in the pockets of a guy who always seems three sheets to the wind. Plus, Steve’s really into languages and says he plans to speak at least 15 languages in his life. You never know when a little Yucatec Maya language might come in handy, just in case we solve that silly space-time continuum.