Everyone Can Use an Extra Five Inches

by Frank Roche on September 26, 2007

in Frank's World, Travel

5 InchesI bought a $44 upgrade to United Economy Plus. That’s the view from the tip of my nose to the seat in front of me. With United Economy Plus they give you an extra five inches of legroom. That might not seem like a lot, but compared to my seat in 20F on the way to Denver, seat 10E (yep, a middle seat) seemed like I was living the high life.

I sat next to a woman who must have swallowed a spider that wiggled and wriggled and tickled inside her. She put her PayLess patent leather pump on my brand new tan pants. She elbowed me 27 times. And then she reached over at one point and took my headphones out of my seat pocket. (I love listening to the pilots on Channel 9 on United, so that’s a no-no.) There are some weird people in this world. And you meet a lot of them at airports.

So, I’m back home. On the road again next week. I’ll be angling for the extra legroom.

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