Tear Jerkers

by Frank Roche on October 1, 2007

in Frank's World

I was watching a movie last week and it struck me that I’m a sucker for tear jerkers. Here’s a partial list for me:

  • Hope Floats. It’s at the end of the movie when Birdie’s world is falling apart and she’s stuck back at the photo processing shop. A whole bunch of black photos come out of the machine…then one of Justin Matisse standing in front of his truck. She looks up and there’s Justin stadning right there, just like in the picture. She runs out and he sweeps her up into the truck. It’s at 3:14 in this video.
  • The Natural. Again, it’s close to the end of the film when Roy Hobbs comes back after his hospital stay. He leans against a post while Pop Fisher rails about “just one time.” Fisher looks in the shaving mirror and says, “You know my mama wanted me to be a farmer. Hobbs: “My dad wanted me to be a baseball player.” Pop Fisher: “Well you’re better than any player I ever had. And you’re the best God damn hitter I ever saw. Suit up.”
  • The Rookie. I love the part where the Dennis Quaid character gets his chance to play in the Bigs. (I’m a sucker for aging baseball players, I guess.)

Which all adds up to why I was teary-eyed yesterday in my living room when the Phillies won the NL East championship on the last game of the season. I’m a sucker for tear jerkers, and that was one in real life.

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