Day Four Without My Computer

by Frank Roche on October 23, 2007

in Frank's World

I’m getting the DTs. My computer has been at Apple since Saturday and I haven’t heard a word. They had to order a HD, so I’m guessing it won’t be repaired until later this week. Funny realization: I’m more addicted to my computer than I was to caffeine — and much more wired that it’s gone. I had a lot of information on that machine.

Ever see The End with Burt Reynolds? When he’s out a thousand yards from the beach and doesn’t think he can swim in he starts a bargain. “Half of everything I earn, Lord. Half.” By the time he gets close to shore the bargain changes: “Ten percent, Lord, it’s a good start.” I feel like that guy now — only a thousand yards out. I’m sitting around wondering if my data is going to be recovered. “I’ll back up every day, Lord. Okay, once a month, it’s a start, Lord.”

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