Overheard on Friday

by Frank Roche on September 14, 2008

in Funny

I’m a pretty good eavesdropper. I can’t hear a thing that people say directly to me, but Sarah always laughs when I can hear what people are saying across the room. I like to think of it as my Superman power, but mostly it’s some ADD thing.

On Friday we were out to lunch with the work gang when my ADD kicked in and my SuperHearing kicked in to a conversation among three middle-aged woman at the table next to us. Two of them were celebrating birthdays and it was clear that the group didn’t get together all that often. The conversation was a bit strained and went in fits and starts. Then it came to a crashing halt with this exchange:

Lady Number 1: So, how’s you’re mother? She was doing great the last we talked.

Lady Number 2: She died.

Lady Number 3: Oh.

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