Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?

by Frank Roche on October 17, 2008

in Frank's World

[Photo credit: Rob Criswell, Those Other Turtles

I must be in my atonement phase after my little fuss with the Jeep dude last week. This week, I saved a life. Okay, it was a painted turtle that was crossing a back road that’s on my way home. (I was going for the dramatic. The closest I’ve come to saving a life is my own when I stopped eating hamburgers a year ago.)

There was this little spotted turtle crossing the road. I was in a bit of hurry. But in a fit of doing the right thing, I stopped my car, bumped on the flashers, and scooped up my little spotted friend. (We share lizard brains in common.) I put him on the other side of the road in the direction he was headed. And that, my friends, was my good deed for the day. I’ll get back to my regularly scheduled curmudgeonly ways in due time.

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