
5K in My Own Town

by Frank Roche on May 15, 2011

in Sports

Okay, i’m going to end up with a lot of sports t-shirts. But I couldn’t pass up the Berwyn Victory Run 5K next weekend. It’s in my own town. I can practically walk to the start. I’ll plan to run the actual race.

Days Are Getting Shorter

by Frank Roche on April 3, 2011

in Frank's World, Sports

You do get to a certain point in life where you have to realistically, I think, understand that the days are getting shorter, and you can’t put things off thinking you’ll get to them someday. If you really want to do them, you better do them. There are simply too many people getting sick, and sooner or later you will. So I’m very much a believer in knowing what it is that you love doing so you can do a great deal of it.
–Nora Ephron, Film Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Novelist

I know it’s nuts. I’ve never run in my life. And now I’ve signed up for the Broad Street Run (10 miles; May 1), the ING Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon (Sept. 18); the Chicago Marathon (Oct. 9), and the Philadelphia Marathon (Nov. 20).

I’m also doing some prep work. I ran the Get Your Rear in Gear 5K. I’m running the Stroehmann’s Walk+Run Against Hunger 5K this Saturday. And I’m going to grind over the hills on April 17 in the Valley Forge Revolutionary 5-Mile Run. Sheryl’s got the bug, too. She’s going to run with me in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure (5K; May 8). it’s the one I look forward to most.

Hmmm. Would it be weird to say I like it? We’ll find out.

I might be worn out. It could be a long December.

I Voted for Pat Burrell for the All Star Game

by Frank Roche on July 8, 2008

in Sports

Hey, the guy with the sweetest swing in baseball isn’t on the All Star Team. You still have time to vote for Pat Burrell by clicking the link above.

I Saw Fall’s Bridge Yesterday

by Frank Roche on May 6, 2008

in Sports

Chuck D and I rode to Fall’s Bridge yesterday afternoon. It was my first ride of the year, and I was dragging my feet before the ride. But Chuck D insisted, and we went. It was a glorious day for a ride. Sunny. Upper 70s. Lots of people out on the Schuylkill river trail.

When we got back my legs were tired. But that good kind of tired. We’re on our way now. I need to amp up the miles and I’m glad I’m back in the saddle.

Opening Day 2008

by Frank Roche on April 3, 2008

in Sports

Sarah and I were at the Phillies Opening Day 2008 courtesy of ANRO. Here’s a view from their luxury suite, which, in my opinion, offers the best view of the field anywhere.

It was a rainy day, compounded by the Phils’ closer falling apart in the 9th inning, but it was a really fun day. I’ve been a lucky boy and have been at opening day 2 out of the last 3 years. Go Phils!