
Sunday Kind of Love

by Frank Roche on March 2, 2009

in Music

Etta James’ version of Sunday Kind of Love is one of my favorite songs. It’s funny, I don’t even own it on iTunes (yet), but every time I hear it I remind myself how much I like it. Today, I heard it in a coffee shop.

This movie is a really cool version of it. This filmmaker did a student film using the song as a backdrop. I like it even more.

CSN: Wasted On the Way

by Frank Roche on March 4, 2008

in Music

I was listening to This American Life last night on my train ride home and it made me think of this Crosby, Stills and Nash song called Wasted on the Way. The show was the Valentine’s Day episode and there was a very powerful story by Richard Bausch, in which he reads his story “Letter to the Lady of the House.” It’s about time that’s gone by. You can listen to the episode here.

David Archuleta is gonna win American Idol this season. It’s that simple. Here’s why. He sang “Imagine” better than John Lennon’s original.If you can’t see the video, here’s the link.

Spice Girls

Can you imagine the Wachovia Center filled to the rafters with adolescent boys? All of them dressed in costumes from the 80s? In glitter? Nah, I didn’t think so.

So why is it fully imaginable to have an entire stadium filled with adolescent girls? Because the Spice Girls were playing in Philly.

Last night Matt and I, along with Sarah and Lydia, went to see the Spice Girls. We sat in the Wachovia box. Amazingly, there weren’t many people sitting. In fact, for the entire concert, girls stood and sang every song. It’s funny, because Matt said the boobs-to-balls ratio in the place was 99-to-1. It might have been more than that. In an entire section by us we could only count 3 guys. That’s it.

What a great show. Sure, they’re not the cool kids indie band that some like, but they’re a cultural phenomenon. And the only concert I’ve seen that equaled that kind of audience participation was Bruce Springsteen at the Vet a few years ago. The show was all song and lights. And the Spice Girls interacted with each other and the audience in a really fun way.

Go ahead. Poke fun. But we had fun. And isn’t that what entertainment is all about?

DJ Jazzy Frankie

by Frank Roche on January 4, 2008

in Music

All That Jazz posterI wrote last month about 48Facet’s jazz recommendations and mentioned that I don’t know much about jazz. Steve McBrother-in-Law to the rescue.

Steve created a jazz compilation for me that includes Miles Davis, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, Bill Evans and Oscar Peterson. I’ve been grooving on the R5 listening to cool jazz on my iPhone. (Were there ever two words that go together better than “jazz” and “iPhone”?)

Thanks, Steve!